This post is Day 2 in a series of studies about “Angels”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Angels – Day 2

Hebrews 1:14

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

The Thought

This is the verse which prompted the beginning of this study. I have always thought that angels were God’s servants, and they are, but here we see that they are our servants too!

If you are a Christian then you will inherit salvation when you die, (or before if Jesus comes back soon). Not long ago as I was thinking about this, I suddenly saw that angels are our servants. They are sent to serve us, you and me!

I have a handicapped friend who has a home help, employed through an agency. If for any reason the regular help is unable to come, then the agency sends someone else. My friend gives these people instructions about what to do in her home.

In the same way the angels are OUR servants waiting for us to tell them what to do! Yes the ultimate boss is Father God, or in the analogy, the agency, and angels won’t do anything that isn’t approved by that higher authority. But they are assigned to us. For our protection, for revelation of Heavenly things, and for intervention in our lives when we need it.

The angels spend their whole time worshiping the Lord while waiting for us Christians who are slow to learn, to tell them what to do!

They protect us as we travel, whether to the moon and back or just to the local shop or to see a neighbour. They protect us from many of the infectious diseases which surround us every time we leave our homes.


Think for a moment today about how much your angels have done for you through the years of your life up to now. Be grateful for every one of them.

Ask for God’s help in making you more aware of their presence, and to guide you as you grow in confidence in giving instructions to your angels.

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