This post is Day 16 in a series of studies about “Psalms 146-150”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.
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Psalms 146-150 – Day 16
The Lord hears and answers not always as quickly as we would like. But He has often prepared His answers before we even knew there was a problem, because He is The God who sees. That was the name of The Lord, first mentioned by Hagar, the servant of Sarah.
Psalm 147:15
He sends His command to the earth; His word runs swiftly.
The Thought
We finished yesterday thinking about God’s swift response to our prayers, and today the verse we read confirms that The Lord hears and answers not always as quickly as we would like. But He has often prepared His answers before we even knew there was a problem, because He is The God who sees (Genesis 16:13). That was the name of The Lord, first mentioned by Hagar, servant to Abraham’s wife Sarah.
This quality of God is also mentioned in the gospels where Jesus tells us to be discreet about our giving to The Lord and the work of His church. When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing… Then your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you (Matthew 6:3-4).
Another example of the fact that God sees and hears our secret prayers is given to us in Daniel when an archangel appeared to him to explain that God had heard his prayers, but there was a battle in the Heavens which lasted twenty one days (Daniel 10:12)! That is an encouragement to all who get frustrated when God seems to ignore our problems and not answer our prayers. The spiritual battle between God and satan has continued for centuries, and will until the end of time as we know it.
Praise God today that His word runs swiftly, and He is answering your prayers. Sometimes we have to speak out against the enemy activity as Jesus did, Get behind Me satan (Matthew 16:23).
Think today about the prayers that you are still waiting to see answers to, and ask God to make it clear how you should pray so that His word runs swiftly.
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