This post is Day 28 in a series of studies about “Commandments”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.
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Commandments – Day 28
The first mention of Saul, who became Paul, is at the stoning of Stephen; one of the first followers of Jesus. Just two chapters later we read of the conversion of Saul. Saul had believed that he was doing God a favour by putting to death those who followed Christ.
Romans 7:10
I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death.
The Thought
This was a spiritual death for Saul when he met Jesus, and died to his old convictions concerning the old covenant.
The first mention of Saul, who became Paul (Acts 13:7), and wrote this letter to the Roman church, is at the stoning of Stephen; one of the first followers of Jesus (Acts 7:58). Just two chapters later we read of Saul’s dramatic conversion (Acts 9).
Saul had been teaching that there was only One God and that adhering to His ten commandments was essential. He honestly believed that he was doing God a favour by putting to death those who followed Christ. It is tragic that many people of other religions feel that way today. Hundreds of Christians are killed each year by enthusiasts believing they are finding favour with their god!
Today’s verse sounds a strange statement from Paul to his readers in Rome. We must understand that he is talking about spiritual death, not physical death. Once Saul, met Jesus, he changed completely and the old Saul “died”. Understanding the commandments through Jesus meant that he turned 100% away from his previous life, and became an advocate for the same truth that Jesus had been teaching. That He alone is The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 10:6).
Earlier in this letter to the believers in Rome, Paul had explained to them the need to live sinless lives as far as is possible in this world. He encouraged them, and he encourages us today to be dead to sin and alive to Christ (Romans 6:11).
Read Romans 7 and pray today for those areas of the world where christians are in serious danger of their lives. That the murderers will come face to face with the living Lord Jesus and repent.
Pray for any people you know who are stubbornly resistant to believing in Jesus.
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