This post is Day 29 in a series of studies about “Hope”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Hope – Day 29

Job 7:6-7

My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle and they come to an end without hope. Remember, O God that my life is but a breath; my eyes will never see happiness again.

The Thought

How many “white lies” can you find in these two short verses? My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle. That is the first white lie. We know that Job is saying that the days pass too quickly, but even so he is doing nothing but sitting and complaining, so I don’t think they passed too quickly. When we are feeling down and without hope, the days tend to drag and not rush by. At least in my experience.

They come to an end without hope. Not true. There is always hope in The Lord, but sometimes we have to learn to overcome our emotions and sing God’s praises whatever the situation.

My eyes will never see happiness again! Job is really having a bad time. Most of us can understand and we would feel exactly the same. He had lost everything, his house, his children and his servants. And his friends were not being helpful! At the very end of the forty two chapters we read that Job got a new very long life, with more sons and daughters and a very successful farming career! (Job 42:12-17).


Think today of times in your life when you have been down, miserable and feeling that nothing was going right. How did God get you through it?

Was it a situation you could use as an example to help others who are going through bad times. Many are. All over the world people are suffering because of the last few years of sickness, hardship, shortages, and unrest all over the world.

Be confident today that God has not finished yet, and He will have the last word.

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