This post is Day 21 in a series of studies about “Hope”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Hope – Day 21

Mark 10:48

Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

The Thought

The story of Blind Bartimaeus does not mention hope, but it is still one of the best Biblical illustrations of hope fulfilled. We do not know if this beggar had been blind from birth, or if his blindness was caused by something else. But we do know that he wanted to be healed.

Bartimaeus knew what “hope” was. Each day he relied on others, hoping to receive gifts that would see him through another dark day. This beggar had heard of Jesus and knew He was from David’s line. He had obviously heard of miracles already performed by Him. So from his roadside place, his hopes were raised and he called for help to the only One who really could help him. He refused to have his hopes squashed by those who were embarrassed or annoyed by his shouts. He continued his plea for mercy until Jesus responded. His hopes were miraculously fulfilled when he received his sight (Mark 10:52).


Read Mark 10:46-52 today and notice the emotions of the crowd. First they tried to silence the beggar’s voice, but when Jesus heard and responded, those same people were encouraging him, wanting to be close enough to witness this miracle. But there was nothing to see. Just a word from Jesus “Your faith has healed you”!

Pray for those you know who need healing, to put their hope in Jesus the healer. Pray for an increase of faith for healing in your church community. Too often we are surprised when healings manifest miraculously. The contrary should be true; we should be surprised when they don’t!

Ask Jesus to break any old mindset and give you a new hope and confidence in what He can do.

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