This post is Day 18 in a series of studies about “Hope”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.
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Hope – Day 18
During the recent lockdowns because of Covid, many churches across the world had to close. Many continued via Zoom. Yes, there are several good stories, but many sad ones too. The point is that there are still evil forces working against Christianity and we need to be aware of them.
Luke 20:20
Keeping a close watch on Him, they (the teachers of the law and the chief priests) sent spies, who pretended to be sincere. They hoped to catch Jesus in something He said, so that they might hand Him over to the power and authority of the governor.
The Thought
In much of the world, not a lot has changed since these words were written. The same demonic forces are looking for ways to stop the spread of the Christian message. Some are as plain and obvious as the Jewish rulers were in Jesus time, others are more subtle. But a quick analysis of much that is happening in the world will show that there is still an enemy trying to destroy Christianity. There are many distractions around us which are designed to stop us from coming together for praise and worship, Bible study and prayer.
During the recent lockdowns because of Covid, many churches across the world had to close. Many continued via Zoom and yes, there are several good stories, but many sad ones too.
The point is that there are still evil forces working against Christianity and we need to be aware of them. Paul wrote of being aware of Satan’s schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11), that is important to remember. We must have our spiritual eyes open to what God is showing us through all that is going on in our world. Satan still hopes to kill off Christians, destroy their faith, or at least sow doubt and disinterest. Our hope is still in Jesus, The pioneer and perfecter of faith (Hebrews 12:2).
Pray today for the Lord to bring hope to the leaders in your society. We must pray for Him to invade the lives of leaders in all seven areas of influence all over the world today; Family, Finance, Media, Entertainment, Education, Religion and Business.
Pray for Christians to take important positions on these “mountains”.
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