This post is Day 18 in a series of studies about “Suddenly”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Suddenly – Day 18

Luke 9:39

A spirit seizes him and he suddenly screams; it throws him into convulsions so that he foams at the mouth. It scarcely ever leaves him and is destroying him.

The Thought

Jesus saw or heard about many “suddenlies” during His time on the earth. Also He was (and still is) responsible for many suddenlies, as He changes people’s lives for the better. This particular problem child seemed to irritate him. Not because of the child who was demon possessed, or the worried frustrated father. But because of His disciples who had tried to heal this boy, but had failed (v40-41).

Maybe He was more aware than ever of the difference between heaven and earth. He had just come down from the mount of transfiguration where he had been talking with Moses and Elijah (Luke 9:28-34)!

This particular evil spirit was destroying the child, that is what the father said. But the truth was that it was destroying his whole family. Demonic diseases today are still destroying families. Very few people who are expecting a baby plan for a problem child. All of us think they will be perfect, and most of them are at birth, but demonic forces must never be underestimated. Satan is after our children today just as he was in Adam and Eve’s time when one of their son’s killed the other (Genesis 4:8)!


Pray for the children around you, in your family, neighbourhood, and for the children of colleagues. Pray especially anyone you know who has a problem child today, whether that child has mental or emotional difficulties, or because of a physical disability. Jesus can still heal today.

Read Luke 9 and note the difference between the top of the mountain and the bottom, the difference between heaven and earth! Pray for more “Heavenly experiences” for yourself and for the Christians around you.

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