This post is the first in a series of studies about “Gifts & Giving”.

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Gifts & Giving – Day 1

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

The Thought

This is the month when much of the world celebrates Christmas and the greatest gift ever given to mankind. So it seems like a good idea to look at gifts and the whole concept of giving in a Biblical sense.

There are many aspects of gifts and giving. Somebody who turns up at just the right time can be described as the gift for the moment.

Somebody who is good at something is described as having that gift, such as the gift of music or making someone laugh. Some people have the gift of discernment, knowing without being told what the problem is.

There is a gift of being a peacemaker and bringing forgiveness into almost any situation. Sadly there is the opposite gift, and some people can be quarrelsome and cause dispute wherever they go.

But the greatest gift ever given is the One who was the Gift of God for mankind, and who demonstrated so many gifts in His personality. Jesus, Son of God came to earth as a gift from Father God to all people for all time.

He then gave Himself for every person who has ever lived, and who would ever live.

As our verse today implies, being like Him, doing as He did, ushers us into His presence.


Think today about what sort of gift Jesus is for you. How would you describe Him to a non believer?

Thank Father God for His giving heart, and for giving Jesus for you.

As you begin to prepare for the Christmas festivities think how you can share the love of Jesus for each person you care for. That maybe in the form of a physical gift, but it can also be a small gesture, a message of love or many other ideas.

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