Punishing children and future generations is a deterrent for us. Many people would think twice about adultery, theft, murder, idolatry if they knew that their children would suffer as a result. Throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, God is telling us that sin is sin, and must be punished.

What an experience that must have been. We can imagine that every family vowed to tell what happened that night to their children and grandchildren. They set off toward their future with great enthusiasm, and with great riches that they had received as farewell gifts from their neighbours and employers.

Rarely do understaffed churches ask for any identification, or testimony from another church that these people have been good stewards of the faith, or even that they are believers. Sadly many churches have suffered because they unwittingly allowed the enemy access to their vulnerable members. We cannot be too careful.

I had a totally different idea of what I wanted to study, this month, but it was not coming together. After days of frustration I asked the Lord. He suggested Jude, a book I did not know well! I have never heard a sermon based on any verse from Jude!

What a short verse this is, but what a heartfelt blessing. Especially to a church group. Let us think today about what each word means. Jesus excelled in both showing mercy to thousands who called on Him, and taking pity on many who were diseased or handicapped. So must we.