This post is Day 1 in a series of studies about “The Soul and the Spirit”.

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The Soul and the Spirit – Day 1

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

The Thought

The power of the word of God is greater than anything we can imagine. If you have ever had a verse “shout” at you unexpectedly, you will know that when the Bible speaks to you, it is powerful. Often, things we remember in our souls take on a different perspective once a verse of scripture has highlighted them to our spirits. A verse that you think you have known for a long time can mean something very different once the Lord puts His finger on it. So it has been for me with many of the verses used in this study.

I remember years ago reading this verse and thinking “Why would you want to separate soul and spirit?” But since then, I have been very challenged by the fact that the soul and spirit are two completely different entities, and not just one inner person.

They often have opposing ideas and we need discernment from Holy Spirit to help us see the difference, and know which way to follow. Basically my soul has the selfish thoughts and is the one the enemy speaks to, but if I am listening to Holy Spirit, I am much more at peace.


Pray as you begin this new study, that the Lord will show you the difference between your soul and your spirit, and that He will speak to you through the verses of this study.

Read Hebrews 12:1-13 and think about living all your everyday life in God’s sight and hearing, not just during church assemblies!

Praise Him for His powerful word which is available for our instruction and encouragement.

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