This post is Day 23 in a series of studies about “Wisdom (Proverbs 8)”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Wisdom (Proverbs 8) – Day 23

Proverbs 8:32

Now then, my children, listen to Me; blessed are those who keep My ways.

The Thought

Wisdom is still speaking and giving advice to her children. Like most successful parents she thinks that her advice should be followed, and it should! Many of us have been parented in the faith by people outside our own families, and those people would call us their children!

They would be delighted to find that many years on we are still following their advice, leading and teaching.

When Jairus went to plead with Jesus to go and heal his very sick daughter (Luke 8:41), Jesus set off immediately, but was delayed along the way (Luke 8:43-48). When He finally arrived at the house and ignored the negative comments of those saying that it was too late for this daughter of Jairus, Jesus addressed this girl as My child (Luke 8:54)!

If she was His child, she couldn’t be dead! That is a spiritual truth for all of us. If we are children of the Living God, doing what Wisdom says in the verse: listen to Me and keep My ways, our spirits will not die, they will go straight to Heaven where we will really live in the fulness of being God’s children!


There are exciting days ahead. Rejoice in that today, while continuing to do what Jesus has called you to do while here on earth.

Read Luke 8 today for the account of Jairus going to see Jesus and then seeing his child resuscitated.

Pray for any you know who are sick and need a healing touch from The Lord.

Think about what it means when Wisdom says to keep My ways.

Give thanks to God for those people who helped you along the way to faith. Maybe let them know that you appreciate them today.

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