This post is Day 12 in a series of studies about “Wisdom (Proverbs 8)”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Wisdom (Proverbs 8) – Day 12

Proverbs 8:15

By Me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just.

The Thought

We can be confident that most of the good decrees that are operating in our world today have been inspired by God. Those that are harmful and cause friction, and sometimes war have definitely not originated in Heaven.

We all need wisdom to help us deal with the everyday problems we face, and every one of our world leaders needs a lot of wisdom and inspiration from Heaven. As I prepare this study in July, there have been elections in the UK (where most of my family live) and in France where I have lived for more than 40 years, and much of the world is watching the news from the USA, taking great interest in the forthcoming election there.

Rulers of our countries are very much in the front of our minds, and dominant in our discussions and worries at the moment. Prayers are needed.

We must remember that God is saying in this verse that those leaders who are chosen by Him, and listen to Him once they are in power are the best, most just leaders. It is important in the political turmoil of our world that we choose honest God-fearing leaders.


Pray today for the world leaders that God brings into your mind as you listen for His voice. Ask for His wisdom about just how to pray for them.

Pray too for the leaders who are being prepared by the Lord right now to take over world governments. Remember David, who was never at theological school, neither did he study at “training to be king” school, but was chosen and inspired by The Lord to become one of the most successful kings in history.

Read the beginning of David’s story in 1 Samuel 16, and remind yourself that God chooses our leaders.

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