This post is Day 11 in a series of studies about “Wisdom (Proverbs 8)”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Wisdom (Proverbs 8) – Day 11

Proverbs 8:14

Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have insight, I have power.

The Thought

Understanding any given situation helps us to make the right decisions, or give useful guidance or advice to those who might come to us for help. At some time in our lives, many of us have been on the receiving end of advice we did not ask for and certainly did not want!

Receiving the wrong advice when we are going through serious difficult situations can be extremely unhelpful, and even sometimes damaging, making the situation worse, even if the people giving it are trying to help and encourage us to be positive.

Having wisdom helps us know what to say to others, and when to say it. Unless that wisdom comes from The Lord, it risks causing more problems. We need to offer to pray with the ones suffering and encourage them to hear from The Lord for themselves.

The best thing we can do in any situation, is ask for God’s help. He is the wisest person (much more than a person, so let’s say “advisor”) we can ever go to for help, and He never sleeps or gets tired or weary, as earthly contacts sometimes do.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no-one can fathom (Isaiah 40:28).

Another verse in the book of Proverbs speaks to the situation we are thinking about telling us once more that it is better to seek insight and sound judgement:- How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver – Proverbs 16:16!


Read Isaiah 40 today, and ask Jesus to speak to you through the wisdom of one of the best prophetic books of the Bible.

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