The Soul and the Spirit – 11

This post is Day 11 in a series of studies about “The Soul and the Spirit”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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The Soul and the Spirit – Day 11

Matthew 26:41

Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.

The Thought

Jesus prayed His way through to obedience in His Spirit, and gave His close friends one last word of advice before He was arrested. He knew their spirits wanted to follow Him, but He also knew that they would be tempted to hide and deny they were even His friends.

Do you have the same temptations today?

You make a decision to pray more or read the Bible more, meditate on certain verses, or speak to someone about your faith, but then before you know it the day has passed far too fast and you haven’t achieved anything spiritual at all!

Your spirit rejoices in the Lord and wants the whole world to be saved, but your soul argues that faith is a private matter, and you had better say nothing.

Your spirit wants to go the prayer meeting, but your body (ruled by your soul) says that you are tired and need to rest, or that you are too busy to pray, or your mind is too occupied with earthly things to pray! Those moments are the very ones when we need to be disciplined, knowing in our hearts that spending time with God will make everything better!


Read Matthew 26 again today and remind yourself of all that Jesus went through for you personally, as well as for all those you care for.

Pray for discernment to recognize the voice of your soul in your daily life. Pray that you will not fall into temptation.

Praise Jesus that He overcame the temptation and got through to victory. Praise Him that He is present in your spirit to help you win the victory too.

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