In the Psalms we often see David, the individual feeling hopeless. Here it is a whole nation. But it was not God's intention to leave them in their hopelessness. He saw their misery, and wanted to revitalise the sad discouraged community of Israel. There are many groups, churches, communities and nations today who need to know that the Lord can make dead bones live.
He asked me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" I said, "O Sovereign LORD, you alone know." What a wise answer! Ezekiel knows enough of the Lord to know that he himself knows nothing, and that God is full of surprises. Can you think of a situation in your life or someone near to you today which has been taken for hopeless?
Here we see Jeremiah overcome by the need to speak out what the Lord has given him. Praise God that again today He is raising up prophets who speak out for Him, but we are all called to speak out the word of the Lord in our own circumstances.