This post is Day 17 in a series of studies about “Suddenly”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Suddenly – Day 17

Matthew 28:9

Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” He said. They came to Him, clasped His feet and worshiped Him.

The Thought

This must be one of the most exciting “suddenlies” that we read of in our Bibles. Some of Jesus’ female followers had gone to the grave and as they went there was a “violent earthquake”! That’s what we read in verse 2 of this chapter! That earthquake was caused by the arrival of the angel who rolled away the stone from the grave entrance. Not to let Jesus out of the tomb! He had already left. And the angel was guarding the entrance and telling the good news of the resurrection to all who came.

The two Marys coming along the first day after the sabbath were met by this angel who told them the good news leaving them with mixed feelings as they turned to go and tell the others. We read that they were afraid yet filled with joy (Matthew 28:8).

Why afraid? Because meeting an angel is not an every day experience, and what if the things he had told them were not true? But what if they were?

Jesus soon sorted their mixed feelings, and appeared before them calming every fear.

Matthew then tells us of the bribing of the soldiers so that they would tell nobody about what had happened. Satan was trying to convince the world that this was all a fake! He still sows doubts of disbelief today.


Read Matthew 28, and ask yourself if you have doubts about anything concerning Jesus. His birth, His life, His death, or His resurrection and ascension.

If so, then take some time to read those parts of the gospels slowly, and in different translations of the Bible. Many are available on line. Or talk to a mature believer you can trust.

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