This post is Day 22 in a series of studies about “The Spiritual Blessings” in Ephesians, I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.
Feel free to comment below with your own thoughts about each verse and how you will be acting on each thought. Also, if you haven’t yet signed up to receive the notifications of new studies, you can do that today (the form is at the bottom of the page).
The Spiritual Blessings – 22
The power mentioned here is one of the spiritual blessings of Ephesians. If Christ dwells in our hearts, and we are strengthened by Him in our inner beings, then everything in life should be easier, directed by Him as He takes care of our daily needs.
Ephesians 3:16-17
I’m asking God to give you a gift from the wealth of his glory. I pray that he would give you inner strength and power through his Spirit. Then Christ will live in you through faith.
The Thought
After reading yesterday about the responsibility the Lord has given us to subdue satan, we might feel that we need strengthening in our inner being.
The power mentioned here is one of the spiritual blessings of Ephesians. If Christ dwells in our hearts, and we are strengthened by Him in our inner beings, then everything in life should be easier, directed by Him as He takes care of our daily needs.
Many of us are not aware of the power that is available to us. The Holy Spirit is not given in order to make us feel comfortable, healthy, rich and at peace. Yes, He can and does sometimes give us those things. But His power raised Jesus from the dead and can raise us out of our complacency. It can set us on fire to do the works of God if we allow Him to.
Remember what happened when the early disciples first encountered the Holy Spirit. They were all changed, and came out of their place of hiding to evangelise three thousand people in Jerusalem. What an exciting day that must have been (Acts 2:14-41).
These Ephesian verses are the opening of a prayer that I have often used to pray for others. There was a time when I was praying it daily for my children until the Lord stopped me and said He was answering those prayers and had many more things He wanted me to pray for.
Read the whole prayer (Ephesians 3:14-21) and let its intensity fill your soul today.
Pray it for yourself and those you care for.