This post is Day 25 in a series of studies about “Separation”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Separation – Day 25

Judges 7:5

So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the LORD told him, “Separate those who lap the water with their tongues like a dog from those who kneel down to drink.”

The Thought

Under the Lord’s instruction, Gideon had raised an army. That was a miracle! When we first met Gideon he was hiding from the world (Judges 6:11)! He was separated and alone, hoping that the enemy army would not see him and steal the wheat he was threshing!

Gideon did a lot of complaining and arguing with the angel who had been sent to give him his mission, but eventually he obeyed and rallied the troops. Over thirty thousand men responded to his call.

But God said he had too many, and Gideon was told to allow those who were afraid to return home. Then he was told to divide the ones who were left by getting them to drink water from the pool. The result was that from the vast army of 30,000 this new young leader was left with an army of just 300!! Scary!

Many sermons have been preached about the different ways the two groups of men drank the water. The point for this study is that God did the separating, and made it very clear to Gideon what he was to do. He will do the same for you. God knew who He wanted in the army, and He chose them personally. He still does the same today. Gideon followed God’s instructions to the letter. Mainly because he didn’t know what else to do!


Praise God that He is ready to guide us every step of the way He has chosen for us. Praise Him for people like Gideon who were taken from nothing and used mightily in God’s service.

Read Judges 6 and 7 today and pray for God to call forth 21st century Gideons.

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