Psalms 146-150 – Day 5

This post is Day 5 in a series of studies about “Psalms 146-150”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Psalms 146-150 – Day 5

Psalm 146:7-8

The Lord sets prisoners free, The Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous.

The Thought

This psalm of praise continues the theme of yesterday making declarations about the goodness of God, listing just a few of His characteristics. There are many people working for Him today who can testify to meeting God for the first time in prison, where persistent pastors or priests have patiently visited them and taken time to speak about the truth of the gospel. There are believers who were physically blind but who regained their sight after prayer for a miracle.

But the words above can be applied spiritually as well as practically. We all live amongst people who are blind or bowed down, because they have not heard about, or understood the miracle working power of our God who wants to set free those who are emotionally hurting, who have been wounded by the circumstances of life. He wants to open our spiritual eyes, so that we understand what He is doing.

I believe that the righteous in this verse refers not just to those who behave well and do good works, but more specifically to those who help to bring freedom to those who are blind or bowed down.


Praise God today that He never changes, and what we read in this psalm is confirmed for us in Hebrews 1:12 You remain the same, and your years will never end, and is still true in this 21st century.

God’s desires are still to see the whole earth filled with His glory, through those who believe in Him and obey His word. Let’s try to fulfil His desires today.

Read Psalm 102:25-28 today and be encouraged. Think about God’s faithfulness as you go through your day with an attitude of praise.

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