Idols – 13

This post is Day 13 in a series of studies about “Idols”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Idols – Day 13

Ezekiel 5:7&9

Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “You have been more unruly than the nations around you, and have not followed My decrees or kept My laws You have not even conformed to the standards of the nations around you. Because of all your detestable idols, I will do to you what I have never done before and will never do again.”

The Thought

This is the first mention of 50 times that the word “idol” is used by this Old Testament prophet. In obedience to The Sovereign Lord, Ezekiel said and did many strange things, some quite unbelievable and even detestable to our eyes. The reason was because of Israel’s unfaithfulness. They had been seriously distracted and seduced by the gods of the people around them.

We have to understand how angry God was about the worship of idols, and how disappointed that, after all He had done for His people in freeing them from slavery and providing miraculously for them during their desert wanderings, after sending so many prophets and leaders to keep them all on track, the majority of His people were still not obeying His word. How sad.

Very few people have given their own offspring to set others free. But that is what our Sovereign Lord did for His people. Not just for us, but for all peoples of the world. There is certainly no other being who is as powerful and loving as The One who did that.


Read Ezekiel 5 today and try to understand God’s passion, His disappointment, His frustration and consequent punishment of His nation.

What do you think God is thinking about all of those who call themselves believers today?

Pray for the worldwide church, that ALL of us would be faithful witnesses for Him, casting off everything that hinders.

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