Haggai 21

This post is Day 21 in a series of studies about “Haggai”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Haggai – Day 21

Haggai 2:9

The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house, says the Lord Almighty. And in this place I will grant peace, declares the Lord Almighty.

The Thought

This is the continuation of the message yesterday, both for the people rebuilding the temple, and for those following my personal story of the last two days. Our house was certainly a place where the Lord granted us peace.

It also became a home for many wanderers and foreign students, as well as extended family and international travellers.

We learned a lot, we struggled sometimes with the pressure of still learning the language, the financial stress of three teenage children who were at one time in three different countries, plus visitors from all over the world that showed up on our doorstep saying “I met … who said I could stay with you!”

We learned to pray meaningful prayers, and we learned that the Lord means what He says! Our house became a place where peace reigned, and where God provided, often in amazing ways.

I am not saying it was easy, much of the time it wasn’t, but it was fun, hard work and a huge learning process about “How GREAT is our God”. Our family all learned together that Jesus can be trusted and if He calls us to do something He will provide for it, the finance, the energy, and anything else we need.

We stayed in that house for 30 happy years, before God told us to move to the west coast where a different adventure began!


God is one who keeps His promises, so remind yourself today of any promises The Lord has given you, and thank Him for them, even if they seem delayed in coming true.

Read again Haggai 2:7-9 and claim those promises for yourself.

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