This post is Day 19 in a series of studies about “Haggai”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Haggai – Day 19

Haggai 2:6

This is what the Lord Almighty says: “In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake the nations, and what is desired by all nations will come and will fill this house with glory” says the Lord Almighty.

The Thought

I can imagine Haggai becoming quite emotional as he received and passed on this word direct from God. What an encouragement it must have been for the people really hearing what was being prophesied at that moment. And what an honour they must have felt to be a part of that project.

All of us in our own small ways can be a part of the greater things that God is doing on the earth. We have to learn to hear His voice for ourselves. But we can join in and listen to other prophets. There are many good ones to be found via internet.

Today’s verse was given to me personally almost 40 years ago when we were having our own house built. It was a bold undertaking with our very limited understanding of the French language. We had many moments of regret as we had many problems with the builder who took advantage of us foreigners. Nothing quite worked as it should, and one day, feeling very down, I said to the Lord that I was going to go and shut myself away with Jesus until I heard something positive! So I did.

The church we were blessed to be a part of at that time was St. Mark’s English church in Versailles. In the grounds of the rectory, there is now a large church, but at that time there was a small chapel made in an old stable underneath the pastor’s office.

More of that story tomorrow!


Today read Haggai 2 and recognise what an encouragement these words must have been to the people of that day.

Pray for words of encouragement for yourself and others today.

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