This post is Day 22 in a series of studies about “Followers of Jesus”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Followers of Jesus – Day 22

Matthew 25:13

Keep watch because you do not know the day or the hour.

The Thought

So many people have lived and died “keeping watch because they do not know the day or the hour”!! The disciples of Jesus were no different. They thought, expected and hoped that Jesus would return soon after His departure, and they “kept watch” in the upper room, expecting that to happen. But something much more dramatic happened instead. The Holy Spirit came in power and filled them with such an amazing experience that they couldn’t keep it to themselves. They went out into the streets and speaking in their new spiritual language they blessed hundreds of listeners. The church had begun! (Acts 2).

Their “keeping watch” did not mean praying in the upper room for a long time. It meant going out into the community and following Holy Spirit’s leading. None of them could have imagined that. Holy Spirit has not changed, and He is still waiting for many church goers to do what Jesus asked us to do. To stop being church-goers and become real “followers of Jesus”; going out in faith.

A few days ago we looked at the question “When the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” We all pray that Yes He will, but none of us can speak for others, it is for ourselves that we will be called to give account, and just telling Jesus “Yes I still have faith” when He returns to earth … Will that satisfy Him?


Ask Jesus to be very specific today about what you should do and where you should go to show Him that “He will find faith on the earth”, in you, if in no-one else.

Praise Jesus for those who shared the gospel with you, resulting in your conversion to Christianity. Praise Him for all you have learned about Him up to now, and ask Him to continue to be your teacher.

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