Once the first disciples had been given the Holy Spirit, nothing could stop them telling others the truth about Jesus. Nothing! Once Paul had had his Damascus road experience, nothing could stop him sharing his faith, and satan tried hard by sending shipwrecks, imprisonment and every kind of opposition.
Overcoming the world is a huge challenge. Ask yourself today if you really believe in your heart that Jesus is The Only Son of God, living in you by His Spirit. If the answer is yes, then challenge yourself to use His power working through you to overcome the world.
If we take the 10 commandments seriously, then we need to apologise to God for breaking His rules. Many too, may need to recognise that the sicknesses and difficulties we are experiencing today are because our ancestors have not been obedient. Yes, Jesus broke those curses at the cross, but …
Across the world there are hundreds of different styles and confessions of church. Sadly many have been formed because of dispute, because a group of people wanted to do things differently. We are privileged to live in a day when Jesus is doing a great work of reconciliation among His followers.
There is no prayer of commitment in the Bible, all we are called to do to become believers is recognise that Jesus is the Son of the Almighty God. It sounds simple, and it has to be, because many people across the world have no scriptures to read.
Many church-goers go because it is their regular Sunday activity, many out of obligation to parents or spouse. For non-believers, church does not conjure a picture of a loving happy community. It suggests a building where people sit on hard seats, have whispered conversations, and listen to boring messages.
In Matthew Jesus answers a Pharisee explaining that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all you heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. The Israelites wandering in the desert had great difficulty doing that. It is not much easier for us today.
The theme of yesterday continues with an explanation, Jesus living in us through His Spirit is the answer. To everything! John makes it sound simple, but for us living in the 21st century it is not so clear. We need ears tuned to the Holy Spirit to survive the coming days.
The world is full of people who acknowledge Jesus came in the flesh, but do not follow Him. Many think He was a totally human prophet, not that He was planted in Mary by the Holy Spirit. Thank God there are many who can testify that these beliefs are false.
In our world today there is a rise in mystics, mediums, yoga teachers, and hypnotists. People are flocking to those healers in great number, because it works. Or so people think. But the consequences can be terrible. Sadly many churches are not doing what Jesus told us to do.