Mary saw the stone had been moved, and ventured to enter the tomb! Brave lady! As she explained to the angels that she was looking for the body of Jesus, the living Jesus spoke to her from behind asking her why she was crying. But she did not recognise Him.
Jesus taught them more about love and more about Father God than anyone else ever had. Jesus loved and accepted them just as they were. But He had also changed everyone who spent any time with Him. Jesus had already done so much for so many in changing their lives.
From our readings over this month we are convinced that Mary Magdalene was nearly always present. She was following Jesus at His death, as she had followed Him and served Him through His life since her deliverance from evil at His hand. We can not imagine what she was feeling.
Look back in this study and read it again, to remind yourself that Jesus was brought up in an ordinary family with brothers and sisters. He was different because He did not have the same father as His siblings. He was different because He was the Son of God.
The accounts of the reactions of the followers of Jesus up to His death and beyond vary in the different gospels. Here we have Mary Magdalene who we have already thought about. But who is this Mary the mother of Joseph? Remember Joseph was one of the brothers of Jesus!
On our last day of looking at this particular Mary from the Bible we find the happy continuation of the story. A celebration dinner after the return from the dead of Lazarus, her brother. The two sisters wanted to celebrate and to repay Jesus for the miracle they had witnessed.
Mary knew in her heart of hearts that Jesus had come straight from God. But she did not see that He could reverse the death of her brother, and bring him back to life. She was in for the biggest and best surprise of her life up to that time!
Grief affects us in different ways. For many like Martha, we stay busy, rushing here and there, to stop us from thinking of the situation and how it could have been different. The Marys among us prefer to stay alone, contemplate what had happened and think about the loved one.
Mary and her sister, Martha, sent word to Jesus, praying He would arrive in time for Lazarus. Jesus had no intention of arriving in time, because His Father God had a different idea. A much bigger and more impressive idea in order to show His power over life and death.
Mary and Martha are known for their different attitudes to Jesus. Mary was fascinated by, and determined to learn more from Jesus, and was hanging on His every word. Martha was intent on using her culinary skills and serving the very best meal to this honoured guest and His entourage.