This post is Day 17 in a series of studies about “Gifts & Giving”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Gifts & Giving – Day 17

Matthew 10:1

Jesus called His twelve disciples to Him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.

The Thought

Yesterday we ended with the thought that Jesus is still healing people on earth today as Holy Spirit uses His modern day disciples; you and me, to continue His work on earth.

Today we read of the origin of that in the first verse of a chapter which I often refer to as the Bible school for the first disciples. Jesus gave them just a few guidelines, then told them to go and heal, and they did!

One of the gifts Jesus still gives His disciples is the gift of authority over demonic activity and over sickness and disease. (There is often a relationship between the two.)

This gift is recognised by much of the church today as being given to certain people who hold healing crusades, or are members of certain charismatic streams of christianity. These streams, of course did not exist in the early church, and the disciples travelled far starting groups of believers who would continue what Jesus had taught them. It is sad that many church communities have strayed so far from the original model.

One of the things that is important when we receive a gift is to show the giver that we appreciate it by using it; we fill a vase with water and flowers when either flowers or vase are given. We wear a garment, and even if we don’t really appreciate the gift we usually make a show of wearing or using it for a short while.

The way to show Jesus we appreciate Him and His gifts is to use them.


Dare to tell Jesus today that you want to show you appreciate Him by doing something that you haven’t done before. Ask Him to lead you to the right person who needs healing or deliverance, and to give you the courage to obey His word.

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