This post is Day 11 in a series of studies about “1 John”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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1 John – Day 11

1 John 2:28-29

And now, dear children, continue in Him, so that when He appears we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of Him.

The Thought

We read these verses and get the impression that John wrote this letter expecting Jesus to return soon. That is understandable. The disciples were all there on the Mount of Olives when Jesus left them. Upwards!

They were all gazing heavenwards when two men (angels) appeared and asked them why they were standing there looking into the sky. Jesus would return in the same way that He had left!

I always find that question amazing, because that’s exactly why they were looking into the sky! They all thought this was another disappearing trick, and Jesus would come down again and carry on the work. I believe it was later when they were “prisoners” in the upper room waiting for something to happen, that they realised there was work to be done. Jesus wouldn’t return until all creation had heard of salvation. He is still waiting, but the time is “nearer than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11).

The last sentence in the verses for today has often perturbed me. Many people do “what is right” but are not “born of Him”. It’s one of those verses that I feel has lost something in translation. In fact the Greek word used here is “dikoiosyné” and is the basis of many expressions concerning righteous behaviour, and being right before God. Peter describes Jesus seated at God’s right hand (Acts 2:33), suggesting that His behaviour gained Him the right to be there.

Sadly many of those I know who have done “righteous” things still need to meet Jesus and have all the “unrighteous” things washed away by His blood.


Pray today for those you know who do “good things” but don’t know Jesus.

Pray for yourself that the unrighteous things that you have done or said be cleansed by His blood.

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