Psalm 119 – Day 3

This post is Day 3 in a series of studies about “Psalm 119”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Psalm 119 – Day 3

ב Beth

Psalm 119:9-11

How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to Your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

The Thought

It was obviously David’s decision at an early age to live on the path of purity. There must have been the call of God on David’s life, and he became aware of it as a young teenager when his greatest desire was to be holy and pure in the eyes of The Lord of heaven and earth. Maybe he watched his brothers and realised that some of the things they did were not right in God’s eyes. That gave him a desire to remain on the path of purity.

While watching the sheep in the fields David had plenty of time to meditate on the messages he had heard at the synagogue. Did he actually accompany his family to the temple on the sabbath? Were the sheep taken into the barn for holy days, or just left to themselves?

There are so many details that we don’t know from that time, but the important fact is that David understood that God was real from a very early age. Maybe he learned from nature, watching the birds, and the insects as well as the sheep. He was certainly aware of predators, as we learn from his facing Goliath with such bravery (1 Samuel 17). His brothers called his faith foolishness!


Look back on your own life and ask yourself how you got to be in the position you are in today. Did you make good or bad choices? Were you left to decide for yourself, or was there a relative or good friend that helped you along the way?

Pray today for the young people you know to be led by The Lord.

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