The Soul and the Spirit – 17

This post is Day 17 in a series of studies about “The Soul and the Spirit”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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The Soul and the Spirit – Day 17

Romans 8:6-7

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.

The Thought

The mind, will and emotions are all parts of the soul, and must be kept under the control of the spirit. If the spirit of a person is submitted to Holy Spirit, then good decisions will be made according to the word of God. If not, then anything might happen.

The sinful mind will argue that adultery is OK, the soul, listening to the demonic voices will ask us “how can something that makes you feel so good be bad?” It is often only later when we face the consequences that we realise the trap we have fallen into.

The soul will tell us that it is OK to cheat in exams, who will ever know? it is OK to steal small things from the office because they have plenty, and you work hard for those people at the top who are much richer than you.

The soul will tell us to step on anyone who is in the way so that we can get to the top of our chosen career, “after all God wants you to succeed doesn’t He?”

Living according to the Spirit of God means that you consider others before yourself, in everything! We must be scrupulously honest in all our dealings, we must submit to God’s law and honour Jesus in all that we do.


Read Exodus 20 today for the basic rules that God laid down for the children of Israel and which are still a good basis for life today.

Pray for the Lord to help you to have a greater knowledge of His word and His desires for your life enabling you to make good decisions.

Thank Holy Spirit for being your guide and comforter.

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