Many people across the world think we are in the last days. Many other believers will argue that people have been thinking that ever since the time of Jesus. The fact is that much of the Bible tells us that there will be a time when the world will end.
Yesterday we read about Jesus talking of the last days, but He was far from the first to do that. There are many references in the Old Testament to the last days. Jewish people were totally convinced that there would be an end to time as we know it.
Last day judgement is not something we like to talk about too much these days. If you mention it in many Christian circles, someone will jump in to the conversation and say that we have no idea when that will be, so there is no point in talking about it!
Martha and her sister, Mary, appear several times in the gospels, and have been the subject of many sermons, but their brother Lazarus is less mentioned, apart from this chapter where we read that the sisters sent word to Jesus to ask Him to come pray for their sick brother.
We can imagine that the completion of the rebuilding was cause for a huge celebration with the older people remembering their childhood and life before the exile, while the younger ones wanted to know more about life before. It was obviously a serious and very emotional moment for many.
This is a verse in an interesting story told by Jesus, who was trying to explain the Kingdom of Heaven in simple language. His listeners were not impressed with the story, it did not fit with earthly principles at that time, nor does it fit today! It is not logic!
Since the days of David, many thrones have been fought over by those who think they should inherit the position of king. There seems to be something in human nature that makes many of us want to make our own decisions and be in charge of the world around us.
One of the things we must learn from that story is that nothing is too hard for us when we have God on our side. Some of us have daily battles against spiritual giants, some against physical giants. Behind every bad person is a spiritual force which can seem huge.
Those who do things that God abhors do not realise that what they are doing is evil. The main problem is that too many people do not know Jesus and His Father God who love all people and long for each one to seek truth and live it.
Centuries before Jude, (see yesterday), Isaiah spoke of the last days, meaning the end of the world as we know it. This prophecy from the Old Testament is much more positive than Jude. Isaiah was telling us of the good things that will happen before the end of our world.