This post is Day 14 in a series of studies about “Wisdom (Proverbs 8)”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Wisdom (Proverbs 8) – Day 14

Proverbs 8:17

I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me find Me.

The Thought

Let’s not get confused here! God loves everyone, not just those who love Him! The fact is that those who love Him recognise that He loves them, and their lives are different because they live in that assurance. That is what should draw others to ask us about our faith. “Why are you different?” should be a question that others ask us as they see that we believers have different standards to those around us.

God encourages His followers to live differently and to show our love for Him by being good witnesses, and spending a lot of time getting to know Him better: seeking Him in every situation.

No matter how well we know Jesus, or how many years we have been serving Him, there is always more to learn, more revelation to receive from Him. His love is never ending, and He is the only God who loves to give good things to His people.

In the Old Testament, God was not always known as a God who loved His people. The Israelites who were in slavery in Egypt saw God’s love when they came out of their situation miraculously (Exodus 12), but after a few trials in their desert wanderings they soon began to complain (Exodus 15:24).

Are we any different today?


Think today about what it means for you personally to love God in each one of His identities, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Do others see faith in you, and think you are “different” to the norm?

Pray for any you know who are seeking truth, that Jesus will reveal Himself to them in a way they can recognise.

Read some of the Exodus verses above and think about how you would have reacted in similar circumstances.

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