This post is Day 2 in a series of studies about “Wisdom (Proverbs 8)”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Wisdom (Proverbs 8) – Day 2

Proverbs 8:2

At the highest point along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand.

The Thought

The writer obviously thinks that wisdom is female! I could say a lot about that, but this is not the place, and I am not a feminist! God created male and female with different roles!

The most important thing about this verse today is that we do not have to go too far to seek out wisdom. It is always there if we look for it. All of us know people who we consider wiser than ourselves, or who have more experience in dealing with the complications life throws at us. Wisdom is never too far away if we look for it.

The description here suggests that wisdom is most needed when we have choices to make: from the highest point, wisdom personified can see best which way we need to turn when there is a choice of direction.

There are often times when we need some good counsel or a listening ear. Often we need the prayers of more mature believers, or even people who are at a similar level to us, but who really are interested in what we do! Having someone who cares is important.

Ultimately it is God who is the best help we can have, but often He inspires others to give us messages we are not hearing. We don’t hear Him sometimes because we are not listening, or because we have jumped to a conclusion and just going ahead with our own ideas.


Think today about who you turn to for wisdom, and thank God for putting that person along your path of life.

This month of August, many people will be getting exam results and juggling with plans for further education, or full time work for the first time. Pray for any you know of, that the wisdom of God would guide them.

Read Proverbs 8.

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