Psalms 146-150 – Day 28

This post is Day 28 in a series of studies about “Psalms 146-150”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Psalms 146-150 – Day 28

Psalm 150:1

Praise The Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens.

The Thought

The first and last words of this very short psalm are Praise the Lord. That expression in Hebrew is Hallelu Yah and it appears in the language we read, throughout our Bibles in the translations you and I read. There are just 4 times that Hallelujah appears untranslated in most Bibles and all four are in the first few verses of Revelation 19 (verses 1, 3, 4 & 6). John had received the amazing revelations that make up the closing chapter of our Bibles from the angel who told John to write, but John’s reaction was to fall at the feet of the angel, only to be rebuked and told that he was to worship only God (Revelation 19:10)!

Revelation 19 is a chapter of praise because the battle is over, Jesus has won and the enemy is no more.

It seems very appropriate that the very last of the psalms is one of praise, and a short one. What more is there to say than Hallelujah whatever circumstances we are living through. If life is going well, it is easy to praise God. But when we are going through trying times, disciplining ourselves to praise God can be more difficult. Doing so will bring His presence and remind us that He is in control and He knows the end from the beginning.

That fact is confirmed for us by an Old Testament prophet speaking for God: I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please’ (Isaiah 46:10).


Read Revelation 19 today and be encouraged to sing a Hallelujah or two as you go through your day. It will scare the demons around you.

Look back and think of other times when you have been worried, upset, sad or disappointed, and praise God because He got you through to today.

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