This post is Day 3 in a series of studies about “Remembering”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Remembering – Day 3

Revelation 18:4-5

Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.

The Thought

Towards the end of our Bibles, we have a brief and exciting account of what will happen at the end of time on earth. In today’s verse the angel is encouraging God’s people to avoid the disaster when judgement falls on Babylon. The town of Babylon was actually destroyed in 478BC. But the point of mentioning it in this study is that God never forgets anything. He will remember Babylon forever. Until the end of time and beyond.

Just as God remembers Babylon and everything that happened there, so He remembers everything you and I do, everything we say, and everything we think! A scary thought!

The first phrase in our verses today is a message for many believers to stop mixing with the wrong people, or to stop sinful habits. We have all met people who could be a bad influence. And many Christians have resisted getting involved with them. But we are all surrounded by people who are not so strong willed as they would like to be. They need our prayers.


Read Revelation 18 today and imagine the picture of destruction painted in the words. Of course the city itself was destroyed in the 5th century BC. But the spirits who reigned there are still alive and well and destroying people of all ages, nations, and trades today. There are destructive spirits all around us trying to destroy our families, churches, and local communities.

Is there an area in the town or city near you where you would not want young children to go?

Pray for that place today. Pray for angels of protection for all who work there, and live there, and for other Christians to cover that area with prayers.

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