Remembering 30

This post is Day 30 in a series of studies about “Remembering”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Remembering – Day 30

Exodus 2:24

God heard their groaning and He remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.

The Thought

As we read that verse today, we have to ask ourselves if it is true that God never forgets things! Had He really forgotten His covenant with Abraham? Did it really need the Israelites to get into such a state of exhaustion from their slavery for God to hear their cries? No it didn’t, but God was waiting for the right person to be the right age with the perfect upbringing, to be in a position to hear and listen to His voice. Moses was that person, chosen from conception, saved from death at birth, and brought up outside his blood family so that he was educated in a setting that would prepare him for the future God had for him.

When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush (Exodus 3), He told him that He had heard the groaning and seen the suffering of His people and was going to rescue them. It was not quite so straight forward a plan as it sounded, and Moses had difficulty persuading Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave (Exodus 5) but in that too God had His purposes. When the Israelites eventually left, they were convinced that God was Sovereign.

They had witnessed, plagues of gnats and flies (Exodus 8), followed by a plague on the Egyptian livestock, then other plagues of boils and hail (Exodus 9). God still had more ideas, and the next was a plague of locusts. The final plagues were one of darkness (Exodus 10), and the death of the firstborn in each Egyptian family (Exodus 12).

The Israelites were finally encouraged by their Egyptian neighbours to leave, and on that day they were richer than they could have ever imagined (Exodus 11:2-3).


Read some of the chapters mentioned above and be convinced that God still sees what His people are going through. Pray for patience and an understanding of anything you are struggling with at the moment.

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