31 Thoughts from Psalm 91 – Part 4

This is part 4 of a series of thoughts based on Psalm 91.
If you have not yet read Part 1, then please click here.

Thought 10

Psalm 91:5

You do not need to fear … arrows that fly during the day,

Our fears which terrorize us during the night can just seem to be worrying thoughts in the daytime. But again the Lord says we have no reason to fear. Can you imagine these arrows being represented by germs in a cartoon film? Tiny evil creatures with pointed noses and deadly spears. Whatever illness they are bringing your way, if you are living under the shadow of the Almighty, they cannot touch you. They cannot even find you! Hallelujah!

Praise God for His plans to protect His people, Praise Him for the types of protection you have seen in this psalm so far.

Pray, and ask the Lord to give you a spiritual picture to help you know you are protected.

Thought 11

Psalm 91:6

You do not need to fear … plagues that roam the dark,

People with colds and flu often blame the cold when they were out at night. What does this verse say to that? How many illnesses do you think are covered by this word “plagues”? The word “roam” really gives us a picture of a thriller being enacted, and in fact that is what we are partaking in. The baddies (demons) are trying to kill the Christians, and they will stalk us forever looking for a chance to shoot us down with anything that can injure or hurt or frustrate. But over and over again this psalm tells us where to find a refuge, where we need to be in order to have the Lord’s protection.

Praise God that the “plagues” cannot touch you.

Praise Him that in the thriller being acted out in your life, Jesus wins!

Pray against all attacks of the enemy in your life and pray to clothe yourself in the armour of God. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Thought 12

Psalm 91:6

… epidemics that strike at noon.

In the thought above it was darkest night, this time we have the heat of the sun at noon. Our God never sleeps, so it really doesn’t matter to him what time of day we are under pressure or stressed. I copy below for your meditation, verses 2-6 of Psalm 121 I have changed the pronouns to make it more personal.

My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He will not let me fall. My guardian will not fall asleep. Indeed, the Guardian of Israel (and of me) never rests or sleeps.
The Lord is my guardian. The Lord is the shade over my right hand. The sun will not beat down on me during the day, nor will the moon at night.

Praise God for the consistency of His word, for the assurance of His protection.

Pray for a new realisation of the 24 hour coverage that this insurance policy gives you.

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