The minute this first earthly couple tasted the fruit, they knew they had done wrong! This was a very bad surprise with long lasting results for all humanity that followed! But like many disobedient children that have followed them, they tried to cover up their wrongdoing and hide their guilt!
This must be have been one of the biggest surprises for Adam! Scientists have achieved much during the history of the world, but never have they managed to create a living person from the rib of another. God is still superior to anything man could imagine or attempt to create.
Most people went for water early or late in the day when it was cooler. This woman sensed rejection from people in her town, so came at midday confident of seeing nobody. She was surprised, but Jesus was not. He was awaiting her arrival, He had a message for her.
Since those words were written we have built churches and designed services at regular times so people come and go and pray for their own small world. We must thank God that things are changing now and we can have round the clock news from Christian sources across the world.
Until the physical signs of pregnancy began in her body, Mary must have spent many hours pondering what the angel had said, and really wondering if it had not all been a dream. But her first real external confirmation came when she visited her relative Elizabeth who was also pregnant!
The Bible is very clear that we, as believers in Jesus, will not be appreciated by the world systems. It happened in Biblical times, and it is still happening today. Jesus was not appreciated by the authorities, neither were his disciples, and St. Paul had several clashes with civil authorities.
There is a battle going on in the world, a spiritual battle between good and evil. It is the same battle that began with a serpent in the garden of Eden. Eve succumbed, Adam followed suit. It is interesting how it only takes one person to do the wrong thing.
The love of Christ does not depend on our feelings, whether we feel loved or not. It is illustrated for us in what He did hundreds of years before we heard of Him! This is one of the most encouraging and enthusiastic chapters in the Bible and worth reading regularly.
That same cry Come out of her my people is going out across the world today and will continue to be shouted by the angels, until the end of time, as John saw in his revelations. God wants all of us to recognise where we are subject to the enemy.
This verse in Mark also speaks of what God has joined. Sadly, across our world today there are many marriages that God has not put together, but that happen because of family contracts, or because of a physical attraction that does not go deep enough to last through difficult years.