This post is Day 22 in a series of studies about “Nehemiah”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.
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Nehemiah – Day 22
When we work with others as a team, it is much easier to keep going, no matter how difficult the circumstances. And when the leaders do exactly what they are asking the others to do, that too is an encouragement and leads to better team work.
Nehemiah 4:21-23
So we continued the work with half the men holding spears, from the first light of dawn till the stars came out. At that time I also said to the people, “Have every man and his helper stay inside Jerusalem at night, so they can serve us as guards by night and as workers by day.” Neither I nor my brothers nor my men nor the guards with me took off our clothes; each had his weapon, even when he went for water.
The Thought
This really was round the clock work for these faithful Israelites working as either watchmen or builders, or both. They must have encouraged each other, and nobody would want to be the first to fall asleep at their post or admit that they could not work another moment.
When we work with others as a team, it is much easier to keep going, no matter how difficult the circumstances. And when the leaders do exactly what they are asking the others to do, that too is an encouragement and leads to better team work.
It is the same in the spiritual things we do. Praying with others of like mind is always an encouragement. There are moments when we need to be alone with our Heavenly Father, but there are times too when we must remember that Jesus said “Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am with them” (Matthew 18:20). Whether it is to pray, or study the Bible, or just to share what God is doing in our lives, we can encourage each other, and ourselves as well.
Praise God today for those times when you have prayed in a small group and been encouraged or had the opportunity to encourage others.
Pray for others you know who are going through difficulties at the moment, ask Jesus for a word of encouragement to give them, and remind them, and yourself that “The battle is the Lord’s” (1 Samuel 17:47).