This post is Day 26 in a series of studies about “Surprises”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please cliquer ici pour la lire.

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Surprises – Day 26

Josué 7:3-5

A leur retour, ils dirent à Josué : Il est inutile d’envoyer toute l’armée : deux ou trois mille hommes suffiront pour battre Aï… car l’adversaire est peu nombreux. Ainsi, environ trois mille soldats allèrent attaquer la ville, mais ils furent mis en fuite par les habitants d’Aï qui leur tuèrent environ trente-six hommes.

La Réflexion

What a surprise for Joshua and all the Israelites when the battle of Ai was lost! They all believed God was on their side and nothing could stop them. The spies had said that it would be an easy fight, so what went wrong? That was Joshua’s question as he lay on his face before the Lord, giving his own ideas about what happened and telling God what the results would be (verset 6-9)!

The Lord’s answer in verses 10-12 was another surprise for Joshua, and it makes sober reading. God was very clear about how to deal with the problem which was sin in the camp! Our Heavenly Father was looking for a Holy People who would live faithful lives before Him. One who knew Him as Father, Provider, Healer, Friend and Saviour, this meant being loving obedient children, and an example to others.

Do we really understand what effect sin has on our lives? When we study that whole subject we can find many unwelcome surprises along the way. Joshua’s first surprise was not winning the battle, the next came when God told him the reason and what to do about it. We’ll look at that tomorrow.


Read Joshua 9:1-12 and think about any times when you have felt that God has let you down. Look at the international situation today and ask yourself if God is still in control. It doesn’t always look like it! But He still has some surprises up His sleeve!

Louez Dieu le Père car Il tient toujours les rênes de la vie terrestre et a de bons plans pour Ses enfants, mais parfois Il doit enseigner de dures leçons en cours de route.

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