This post is Day 16 in a series of studies about “Surprises”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please cliquer ici pour la lire.

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Surprises – Day 16

Matthieu 14:29

Come! – Jesus said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

La Réflexion

This must have been another of the bigger surprises in the gospels. John doesn’t mention it in the version we looked at hier. But Matthew’s gospel gives us many more details about the experiences of the disciples of Jesus. The disciples had not yet learned to be afraid of nothing, they didn’t really get that message until after Pentecost when they all were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Naturally they were afraid when they saw what they thought could only be a ghost walking toward them on the water’s surface! Jesus’ word of reassurance Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid (Matthew 14:27) a encouragé Pierre à sortir de la barque et à marcher vers son Maître. Il est triste que beaucoup d'entre nous qui connaissent cette histoire se souviennent toujours que Pierre a douté et est tombé. Nous célébrons rarement le fait qu'il marcha à la surface de la mer agitée vers son maître (verset 29).

Many of us have those moments when we know God might be asking us to do something which seems difficult, even impossible, and we dare to “get out of the boat”. But then a second thought tells us that it won’t work, it is impossible, and we take our eyes off the Saviour and begin to sink!


Priez aujourd'hui pour que le Seigneur vous fortifie dans tout ce qu'Il pourrait vous demander de faire. Priez pour vous concentrer sur Lui et non sur une mer agitée qui vous entoure.

Read Matthew 14:22-32 and feel the emotions of the disciples. Their frustration at the storm, their discussion of the miracle of the 5000 people fed, the miracle of the calming of the storm the moment Jesus got into the boat. Invite Him to “get into your boat” in whatever you are doing today.

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