Followers of Jesus 16

This post is Day 16 in a series of studies about “Followers of Jesus”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Followers of Jesus – Day 16

Luke 18:8

However when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?

The Thought

How sad Jesus must have felt when He asked that question! But it seems a strange question to ask at the end of the parable about an unjust judge giving in to a widow’s pleading. The widow, knew she had a just cause, and kept nagging the judge until she got justice.

Verse 1 of this chapter tells us “Jesus told His disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up”.

He is also telling us, His followers today to “not give up” in praying for our loved ones to come into the kingdom, in praying for healing and deliverance. As Jesus looked into the future that day, He must have seen how “the love of many would grow cold” (Matthew 24:12).

Jesus left an enthusiastic group of believers on the earth. He saw in advance that this group would go to “the ends of the earth” as He told them to. He knew that there would be many converts in many nations. But He also saw that before the end, many christians would leave the faith. He knew that the church would become, in many places, an institution that performed rituals. Yes there would be many who didn’t, but He was sad even then, that the world would not be on fire with His love and enthusiasm for Father God.

Many have prophesied that before Jesus’ return there will be a world wide revival, with millions turning to Him.


Let’s pray for that revival which is beginning in certain areas, to spread throughout the world. Pray that His followers today obey His command to spread the Good News all over the world.

Pray that ALL of us who call ourselves His followers will obey His will TODAY.

Keep watch for someone you can witness to about Jesus’ love.

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