Haman was eaten away by his hatred of Mordecai. Everything he boasted about was true, but he did not know The TRUTH. His view of the situation was 100% wrong! How can people be so wrong? It seems that Haman was his own god. His whole world centred around himself.
What a wise answer Esther gave. She was really trying to arouse the imagination of the King, and getting him to repeat his promise to her of what she could have if she asked. God has amazing promises for each of us, and the Bible gives several examples of this.
The first words of these verses remind us of another thing that happened on the third day. The resurrection of Jesus! In fact this expression occurs more than 40 times in most translations of the Bible, some of those occasions are worth looking at and spiritual comparisons can be made.
Esther was not over enthusiastic about going to see her husband with the request to save all the people whose lives were under threat. She was scared for her own life, knowing what could happen to those who disobey the king. But Mordecai had his answer to her in v14.
Naturally the reaction amongst Jewish people to the news of their planned annihilation was one of great anguish. Since the beginning, the race that God chose as His own has faced much opposition and many attempts at elimination. As always, their reaction was to immediately begin to fast and pray.
Five times we read of Haman the Agagite. The author wants us to know that Haman descended from king Agag of the Amalekites; an enemy of the Jewish people. In Samuel we read of King Saul being told to kill all the Amalekites, which he did, all except king Agag!
Since the very beginning there has been an enemy trying to destroy the Jewish race. Since the time of Christ, that spirit of hatred has grown to include Christians too. In many parts of the world admitting that you are a Christian can cost you and your family your lives.
It seems in every situation there are those who try to stir up problems. The court of the Persian King was no different. We know not why Haman was honoured by the king. We do know others had to treat him as a god. But Mordecai could not do that.
We know very little about Esther as queen, but it does sound as though she used her position well. It is obvious Mordecai spent a lot of time at the gate of the king. And quite often he seems to have been there at just the right moments. God moments!
We are not surprised by this turn of events for Esther. This feast makes me reminisce about royal weddings I have seen on TV or read about in the press. Journalists will take time to explain exactly what is happening and to describe clothes and the delicacies of the banquets.