This post is the first in a series of studies about “Children of God”.

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Children of God – Day 1

Malachi 4:6

Elijah will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction. In some Bible versions these verses are from the end of chapter 3, and there is no chapter 4.

The Thought

If I had been writing the Old Testament, I would not have finished it like that! Would you? The prophet Malachi is warning us that we must turn to our Heavenly Father, or the land will be cursed! But at first reading in context it seems as though he is speaking this warning to the prophet who will return. That was John the Baptist, who many people in Malachi’s day thought would be Elijah revisiting the earth, even Jesus said that was true (Matthew 11:13-14).

There is a fearful element in today’s verse, a warning! Is it a warning to the fathers, to the children, or to Elijah? What could the curse be? At first reading, what I can see is that reconciliation is very important between the generations. But really the most important person to be reconciled with is Father God. His heart is always turned towards us. But is ours turned constantly towards Him? Ask yourself at the beginning of this study if your heart is totally for God. Or do you just blame Him for events, for certain situations; maybe even for the fact that you exist!

The most important relationship that needs healing is the one between God and His children. The call of the Father has always been that those who believe in Him will live like they are His children.


Pray for the Lord to reveal to you His purposes as you study His word this month, ask Him to show you if you are holding a grudge against Him in any area of your life.

Praise Him that He is the Perfect Father longing to be reconciled with each one of us.

Praise Him that He loves us unconditionally.

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