The Soul and the Spirit – 22

This post is Day 22 in a series of studies about “The Soul and the Spirit”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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The Soul and the Spirit – Day 22

Galatians 3:2-3

Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?

The Thought

Paul was very angry with the Galatians when he wrote this letter to them, because they had strayed from what he taught them. They had made rules and regulations that were not based on the teaching of Jesus.

Paul never gave his listeners really strict rules to follow, but he was very clear about what he knew that God approved of and what He did not! Paul encouraged his readers to follow Jesus in everything we do, to follow His rule of love and forgiveness.

Jesus didn’t give us direct “do and do not rules” either, His way was to show us how to live in obedience to the 10 commandments which God had given to Moses (Exodus 20).

We get no good marks in Heaven for our human efforts, but we will be honoured only for those things we have done that have been led by the Spirit of the Lord, and have honoured Jesus. Don’t we all in our heart of hearts want to get to Heaven and hear Jesus say well done good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:21 & 23)?

Following the rules is what the Pharisees tried to do and Jesus had nothing but criticism for them. He wants us to live by having our hearts constantly connected to His.


Read Matthew 25 today and understand the parable of the servants.

Ask the Lord if you are relying on human effort or following man-made rules when you should be following Him.

Praise Him that He is purifying His church, and challenging us all about our motives and the strength of our faith.

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